We Introduce Ourselves
Our office provides full range of legal services to the clients on every legal field in Hungarian, German and English language.
We provide also consulting, communication, correspondence through the lawyers, and co-operating translators in French, Croatian, Italian, Russian, Serbian, and Turkish language. On demand we can provide translators also for other languages with short terms.
We accomplish the documents made by our office on demand of the client beside or instead of Hungarian also in German and English language. In this procedure we don’t use translators, the documents in foreign language are made by the lawyers of our office. We think, this is important for two reasons. First, we can provide the service with the highest quality, because the document in foreign language can not have mistakes caused by the lack of legal knowledge of the translator or by lack of knowledge of the facts by the translator. Secondly, this way the confidential information would not get out of our office, and this is the only safe way of keeping the secrecy.
In many cases we also manage the legal representation in foreign language. This is the case for example, when in the case there is a so called “foreign component”. One possible case of this is, when one of the parties citizen of a foreign country is, and we have to correspond with her/him. It happens also often, that because of the foreign component (for example place of signing a contract or place of causing damage, one of the parties have foreign citizenship) the law of a foreign country has to be applied, or the procedure has to be initiated by the authority of a foreign country (this will be decided by the collision-acts of the states in question). In cases like that we also can accomplish applications, requests to the foreign authorities, if the procedure law of the foreign country doesn’t ordain mandatory representation by lawyers of the foreign country. By mandatory legal representation we can provide legal consultation to our clients.
It is very important, that the laws of the European Union and the judgements of the Court of the European Communities are also in Hungary to apply, since Hungary joined the European Union. Most of judgements of the court and many of the laws are currently only in foreign languages (in previous official languages of the Union) available. We pay qualified attention to the rules of community law by our operation.
We can manage legal representation also, when in procedures before Hungarian courts it will be necessary to initiate the preliminary ruling of the Court of the European Communities (Luxembourg) to interpret the law of the European Union. We also manage to write applications to the European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg) and to the Constitutional Court of the Hungarian Republic and we also provide legal representation in procedures before these courts.
We think, it is fundamental, that our colleagues perform their practical work with extremely high theoretical knowledge, therefore we pay attention to scientific work and self training.